3 Helpful Tips To Grow Your Network In The Fashion Industry

One of the most frequently asked questions from newly eager individuals that want to enter the fashion industry is: “How do I network in the fashion industry – especially with little or no fashion industry experience?”
It is important to note that this can relate to both introverts and extroverts. Being a complete outsider in any industry can be daunting and sometimes off-putting. However, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone, you’re also not alone in feeling nervous about networking.
Research has found that “aside from the roughly .00002 percent of the population who naturally enjoy networking and do so with aplomb, most of us, whether in the fashion industry or not, find the concept of networking daunting.”
However, you need to be able to network to make it in any industry, especially the fashion industry. In fact, there are very few industries where you can be successful in not networking at all.
So, take this opportunity to make some notes on how to enhance your networking game, ready for when you need to make this leap in your professional career.
1. Reach out
You’ve got to start somewhere, so why not reach out and ask for an interview? The fashion industry is very competitive, so it is unlikely you’ll get a foot in the door without having to ask for interviews. If the company doesn’t have time or space for any additional employees, make sure to still send your portfolio, or connect with them on Linkedin. As well as sending a message to them illustrating how eager you are and that you’ll be in touch in a few months to see if anything has changed – and make sure you do.
Even if you don’t manage to get anything from it, you are making connections. Your portfolio could be passed around through companies highlighting how eager and persistent you are. This is you getting your foot in the door.
2. Network with your peers
Although it has been mentioned that this is a competitive industry, your peers are still important. They are like-minded individuals. Classes, social media groups, or organisation workshops are a great place to start networking, remember you all are in the same boat.
There could be people that have additional knowledge and are willing to share their experiences and contacts with you. Therefore, highlighting the importance of speaking to your peers and staying in touch with them.
3. Take on leadership roles
Thinking about the point about, why not make your own peer advisory group? This would be great for further networking, but also highlight your forward thinking on your CV, this is something employers LOVE!
The people who join your advisor group will likely be like-minded individuals, allowing you to build a supportive network. This could make you feel a lot more comfortable as a new member of the fashion industry and help build your confidence.
- Make sure you connect with people on social media, especially Linkedin.
- Get in touch with companies however big or small asking for interviews - remember to send your CV and portfolio and connect with them on Linkedin even if they say no.
- Get back in contact with the companies you've already revisited - there’s no harm in trying again.
- Be a leader - make a group chat where everyone can connect and gain opportunities.
- Don’t give up.
To read another blog on how to network in the fashion industry, head to our blog page and read our blog: Building Your Network In The Fashion Industry.