3 Reasons Why Sustainable Fashion Is Important

You might be hearing more and more about sustainable fashion, fast fashion, and how the fashion industry is a large contributor to global warming due to the amount of pollution that is produced when creating the products. However, a positive thing to know is that eco-fashion, also known as sustainable fashion, is on the rise. This type of fashion still meets the consumer's needs of providing something stylish and trendy but it also ensures the production of creating the product leaves no negative impacts on the environment.
As you may have seen by now multiple companies are taking this into full consideration when designing and making their products. As well as, some companies provide a range of products that are more environmentally friendly, but not all.
Knowing all of this information may make you feel more at ease buying that extra top now, but you may have additional questions about why sustainable clothing is that important. Read on within this blog to find out.
Reducing the environmental costs of Fast Fashion
Fast Fashion is responsible for 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions, the waste from the fashion industry pollutes both the air and water. Therefore, it doesn’t just endanger us, it endangers aquatic life.
Choosing quality over quantity
Some may not have a choice when it comes to the cost of clothing. However, if you do have the option to purchase eco-friendly clothing for a smaller additional cost, try to! These products are made out of other natural materials such as bamboo and cork, and due to their ability to last longer than the cheaper quality products (that are used in fast fashion), these products will last longer. Therefore, spending that little bit extra will mean better quality clothes for longer. Rather than, cheaper clothes for shorter periods of time.
Reducing Water Consumption
Did you know that 2700 liters of water are used in the production of cotton for a single t-shirt? That’s right! Cotton requires a large amount of water to make our beloved products. Whereas, more organic cotton takes less water. However, unfortunately, less than 1% of cotton production is produced with organic methods, worldwide. Other materials, like linen and recycled cotton use less water during the production stages.
In turn, ensure you think about the number of natural resources it takes to produce a singular piece of clothing. Try to purchase products that have a lower carbon footprint, or are made with sustainable materials. By making this eco-conscious decision you’ll be helping to save the environment for yourself and future generations.
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