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Fashion Job Interviews: Dos and Don'ts

08 March 2024

Securing a job in the competitive world of fashion requires more than just a great resume and portfolio—it also demands finesse during the interview process. Fashion job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation and approach, you can make a lasting impression and increase your chances of landing your dream job. In this blog post, we'll explore essential dos and don'ts to help you handle fashion job interviews with confidence and poise.

What to Do

Research the Company and Industry

Before your interview, take the time to research the company, its culture, values, and recent projects. Familiarise yourself with industry trends, key players, and the company's position within the fashion landscape. This demonstrates your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the role and allows you to ask informed questions during the interview.

Dress Appropriately

Dressing appropriately for a fashion interview is key to making a positive first impression. Choose an outfit that reflects the company's aesthetic and culture while still allowing you to showcase your personal style. Pay attention to details like grooming, accessories, and footwear, and ensure your attire is clean, polished, and professional.

Prepare Your Portfolio

Your portfolio is your visual resume and a crucial tool for showcasing your skills and experience. Select relevant work samples that demonstrate your creativity, technical proficiency, and ability to solve problems. Organise your portfolio in a clean and professional manner, and be prepared to discuss each project in detail, highlighting your contributions and achievements.

Practice Your Responses

Prepare answers to common interview questions and practice articulating them confidently and succinctly. Be ready to discuss your relevant experience, strengths, weaknesses, and career goals. Tailor your responses to align with the specific requirements of the job and company, emphasising how your skills and expertise make you the ideal candidate for the role.

Demonstrate Passion and Enthusiasm

Show genuine passion and enthusiasm for the fashion industry and the opportunity to work with the company. Communicate your excitement about the role and your eagerness to contribute to the team's success. Share examples of projects or experiences that ignited your passion for fashion and inspired your career aspirations.

What Not to Do

Arrive Unprepared

Failing to prepare adequately for a fashion job interview can signal disinterest or lack of professionalism to the interviewer. Avoid arriving unprepared by researching the company, reviewing the job description, and practising your responses to common interview questions beforehand.

Overlook the Importance of Body Language

Your body language communicates volumes during an interview, so it's essential to convey confidence, enthusiasm, and professionalism through your posture, eye contact, and facial expressions. Avoid fidgeting, slouching, or crossing your arms, as these behaviours can convey nervousness or disengagement.

Speak Negatively About Previous Employers or Experiences

Speaking negatively about previous employers, colleagues, or experiences reflects poorly on your professionalism and character. Even if you had negative experiences in the past, refrain from expressing criticism or complaints during the interview. Instead, focus on highlighting your positive contributions and lessons learned from challenging situations.

Oversell Yourself

While it's important to showcase your skills and accomplishments during an interview, avoid exaggerating or embellishing your qualifications. Be honest and transparent about your abilities and experience, and provide concrete examples to support your claims. Overselling yourself can hinder trust and credibility with the interviewer.

Forget to Follow Up

After the interview, don't forget to send a thank-you email or note expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to interview. Use this opportunity to reiterate your interest in the role and briefly summarise why you believe you're the ideal candidate. A thoughtful follow-up can leave a positive impression and reinforce your candidacy.


Managing fashion job interviews requires careful preparation, confidence, and professionalism. By following these dos and don'ts, you can make a strong impression and increase your chances of success in securing your desired fashion job. Remember to research the company, dress appropriately, prepare your portfolio, practice your responses, and demonstrate passion and enthusiasm for the role. Avoid common pitfalls like arriving unprepared, neglecting body language cues, speaking negatively about past experiences, overselling yourself, and forgetting to follow up after the interview. With the right approach, you can attend fashion job interviews with confidence and poise, setting yourself up for success in the competitive world of fashion.

For more helpful tips about securing your dream role within the fashion industry, head back to our blog.

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