How To Shine as a Fashion Candidate On Linkedin

Through the years, the opportunities in the fashion industry have shifted dramatically, and it is becoming harder and harder to enter the fashion industry, due to the popularity of fashion candidates. Therefore increasing the amount of competition for the current roles in the industry. Within this blog, there will be tips on how to expand your Linkedin profile, and make it stand out from the sea of other candidates.
You may be searching for your next job on Linkedin or even applied to a few job applications, through Linkedin, but had no response. Here are a few tips to increase your chances of going to the next stages of recruiting, or even just getting a reply to your application.
Finish your profile
This may sound simple, but if you leave part of your profile unfinished, it could suggest to recruiters, headhunters, and employers that you don’t finish jobs fully.
It also might be good to point out that your Linkedin isn’t like a CV or resume. Your CV is more of a professional projection of your skills and general self. However, your Linkedin profile is more conversational, a chance to show yourself in a different way. Through your Linkedin, you have a chance to show future employers your passions and personality.
Therefore ensure your profile includes:
- Profile picture
- Background picture
- Headline - current job description
- A summary of yourself
- A portfolio links to your work, youtube videos
- Experience
- Information on your education
- Skills and hobbies
- Recommendations
- Contact details
2. Profile Picture
According to Linkedin, “profiles with headshots are 14 times more likely to be viewed than those without.” As well as this, it has been found that including an image of yourself increases the chances of your profile being viewed by 40%. Therefore, make sure you have your profile image sorted, but also remember to choose a professional image.
Choosing a profile picture tips:
- Professional
- Only of you - make sure there isn’t anyone else in the image, we only want to see you.
- Face on
- Look natural
3. Fashion industry professional Linkedin headlines
A Linkedin headline is located at the very top of your profile, under your name. In the past, putting your job title in this section was enough. However, this platform has grown, as well as the professionals that use it, meaning you need to take that extra step.
What should you write in your headline?
Well, this is easy. Write to the people you want to attract. Recruiters and employers search for candidates by putting keywords into the search bar. These keywords are then matched to the user's profile, therefore if you’ve got the right information in your headline, your profile will pop up in their search.
One thing to remember is to keep this headline up to date, altering now and then wouldn’t do any harm and may get you on other recruiters' radars.
All in all, hopefully, this blog has shown you how important keeping your Linkedin profile up-to-date is. And by following these three tips you would have already busted your profile by miles.
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