Our Top Tips to Land your Dream Fashion Internship

Internships are incredibly valuable when trying to start a career and gain experience. They provide you with experience that can be the deciding factor for your first job, and even more importantly, start your career. Getting an internship in the fashion industry is no more difficult than in any other industry, contrary to popular belief; a little more direction and perseverance just might be required. This blog will share with you our top tips to land your dream fashion internship and take your first step into your fashion career.
Connect and Network
Our first tip is to meet as many people as possible but in a non-recruiting context. If you are a student, take advantage of it. We recommend making contacts when you have nothing to ask of them, or when you’re not currently looking for a role, as the first time you see them, will have been in a non-transactional context. Why not ask for advice from them? People are always flattered when they get approached for advice, and it can leave a powerful impression on someone that could be beneficial in the future.
Create Content
The beauty of social media now is that everyone can make their talents known and develop a following and community of like-minded people too. Whether you create Instagram content, TikTok videos, or a podcast for Spotify or YouTube, demonstrating your skills, talent, and your interest in the field will be a significant aspect of your application and portfolio.
Go to the Field
If you’re applying for an internship within a fashion retail brand, even if your internship position is more ‘behind the scenes’, it is very educational to spend time visiting a store, whether this is visiting their flagship store, or interning at a store first. It’s where you will learn firsthand about the team dynamic and the relationships built with customers. This experience will be most beneficial for future meetings, and any development focused on marketing or sales.
Perfect your Portfolio
If you’re going for a creative internship, perfect your portfolio. Be sure to include your best work first, and remember not to forget the little things too, like technical drawings and work from school or college. The recruiter will want to see the range and development of your skills and creative background and will use this to understand how you work and how your creativity could be valuable to the company. Make sure your portfolio is presented in a clean and professional manner so it doesn’t distract from the actual work you’re showing off.
Research Effectively
The first step in your research is to research the type of internship you want and where you want to be based. After you’ve worked this out for yourself, you need to be effective with how you apply for your internship. Spontaneous applications are always welcomed, but be tactical with how you build a connection. You can either build a connection with a recruiter, through a fashion recruitment site like us, or you can use Linkedin to play in your favour. Find the manager for the position you’re applying for and contact them directly. This can help build your professional network and can also help you pass through the HR stage more efficiently.
The key thing to remember is to learn from your mistakes. If you get refusals from internship possibilities, find the silver lining; you have room for improvement. It’s a great opportunity to ask the recruiters what was missing from your application or what you may need to improve on. It’s all a process of learning and developing yourself for your career path, and this blog should have shared with you valuable tips to get that fashion internship you’ve been dreaming of.