Where to Find the Best Fashion Inspiration

There can be days when you feel you know it all and outfits come together effortlessly, but sometimes it can be the complete opposite. Sometimes you can find yourself standing in front of your wardrobe lost and clueless wondering if anything actually goes together, it happens to the best of us.
We all have our own personal style and tastes regarding fashion. Personal style is part of you. It’s something that changes and develops as you do. It evolves as you grow up; no one’s teenage fashion sense is carried through to their midlife years. Whether you look for fashion inspiration for ideas for special occasions, or to develop your own style, this blog will help you.
Fashion inspiration can come from anywhere, however, this blog will share the inspiration you can find from magazines, bloggers, social media, and of course, shopping.
Fashion Magazines
Essentially, a very obvious place to look for inspiration, but also can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. The key starting point is to find a magazine that fits your personal style. Big fashion magazines like Vogue, Grazia and Elle, are often the go-to magazines for key seasonal trends, and designer inspiration.
Whether you decide to just give them a read, or whether you take out the scissors and get crafty, and make yourself a visual board of inspiration; that’s the creative beauty of a physical magazine. By looking through magazines, you can submerge yourself in designer trends, and find ways to integrate them into your wardrobe, and look for dupes online and in high-street stores.
Even though fashion magazines may be the most obvious place to start, thanks to technological developments, fashion inspiration is available in our hands at the click of a button. Of course there are other forms of social media where you can get inspiration from, like Pinterest or TikTok, but Instagram is the original visual inspiration app.
Most likely, if you are interested in fashion, you will be following accounts or people whose fashion sense you admire. If you don’t and you need a starting point, think about which brands you like to buy from and look for accounts they are following. One of the best brand accounts to look for inspiration from is ASOS, as they are a very inclusive brand and follow a wide range of fashion influencers.
Fashion Bloggers
Fashion bloggers may seem a bit old school now social media has brought us influencers, but they are still another source of inspiration, and perhaps different inspiration to what you would find on social media and in magazines.
Reading online blogs is something that is the norm for you, or unexplored territory, either way, if you have been reading the same blogs or still feel short on ideas, this is your sign to explore. Google for some current top fashion bloggers to read, one with regular posts and great inspiration is BlogLovin’, where you can search through the different categories to find new blogs you may love.
You may be wanting inspiration prepared for your next shopping trip, but there’s no better place to find water than the watering hole. If you’re truly lost, start with the ‘New In’ section for seasonal trends and work your way through the site or store with your own taste in mind, but don’t be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone.
Whether you decide to shop in-store or online, adverts and graphics, visual merchandising, and the stock will all inspire you as you shop. They both have positives and negatives to them; in-store, you can try on anything you want, and gather inspiration from physical look and touch, but online, you can have everything in one place, and access ‘suggestions’ linked to products to expand your inspiration.