Get Started In The Fashion Industry

Before this point, your goal was to get through university and get your fashion degree, but now you’ve completed it, you might be worried about how to actually get into the fashion industry!
The fashion industry is an extremely competitive industry, it is full of creatives and strategists. To be successful you need to keep up with the trends and demands of your industry audience. After reading this blog, you should be able to feel a lift in the pressure, as you’ll have learned about where to look for opportunities, how to make the most of an opportunity, but also what to do in the meantime.
Part one
So first off, where should you look for opportunities?
Look for any type of job, you can’t exactly be picky. Getting a fashion internship, for one, two, or three months is a blessing! By getting an internship, paid or unpaid, you will be able to get your foot in the door. You’ll be able to see what’s out there, and what position within the industry you may aspire to reach for if you haven’t found that already.
Don’t be put off by the smaller companies. Getting a position within a smaller company could land you a lot more opportunities than working for a bigger one. You’ll definitely be doing more than the coffee runs we see in films.
Just remember, you are a small fish in a big pond, there are plenty of opportunities out there you just need to find them.
Part two
Secondly, you want to try to make the most of every opportunity, this feeds into the first part of this blog. Any opportunity is a good opportunity, even if it's an unpaid internship, if you get experience from it, take it.
Remember to keep track of all of your achievements and skills, and make sure you document them. Put them on your CV and, Linkedin profile, and show off! If you keep up with this, you’ll feel less pressure when applying for jobs as you’ve got this bit sorted. Also, if you keep your online portfolio and LinkedIn profile up to date what's to say you won’t be scouted from this?
Future employers like to see your experiences more than your degree grade. So get yourself out there!
Part three
But in the meantime, keep moving, keep updating and take initiative!
I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep doing these three things! This will give you the best chance in building your network within the fashion industry, as well as gaining recognition.
But don’t forget, enthusiasm goes a long way when you’re starting out in the industry, it can suggest you to be a promising individual to future employers. So don’t make the mistake of sitting still!
If you’ve felt this blog was helpful, there are plenty more over on our blog page to help you on getting into the fashion industry! If you’re struggling to build your fashion network, why not read one of our more recent blogs, click here to have a read.